Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 1 (Sách Kết nối tri thức với cuộc sống) - Unit 12: At the lake

I. OBJECTIVES By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:
- pronounce the sound of the letter L/l in isolation.
- say the words Lucy, lake, leaf, lemons correctly.
II. INPUT Language:
- Sound /l/
- Vocabulary: lake, leaf, lemons
- Student’s book p. 51
- Flashcards for Unit 12
- Poster for Unit 12
- Teacher’s guide pp 124-127
- Computer, projector
III. PROCEDURE Warm-up – Listen and repeat – Point and say – Game - Homelink
Procedure Teaching and learning activities Classroom management
Warm-up 5 minutes
- Option 1: Access sachmem. Have one pair of pupils sing the chant on page 49 (Student’s book).
- Option 2: Invite one group of pupils to sing the song on page 50 (Student’s book)
- Option 3: Ask a few pupils to do the project on page 36 (Workbook).
- Have pupils open the books and look at Unit 12, Lesson 1 p. 51, saying Open the books and look at Unit 3, Lesson 1 (page 51). Whole class
TIẾNG ANH 1 LESSON PLAN School: . School year: . Grade: . Week: . Teacher: . Approved by: . Unit: 12. At the lake Lesson: 1 Period: 1 Date: . I. OBJECTIVES By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to: pronounce the sound of the letter L/l in isolation. say the words Lucy, lake, leaf, lemons correctly. II. INPUT Language: Sound /l/ Vocabulary: lake, leaf, lemons Resources/Material: Student’s book p. 51 Flashcards for Unit 12 Poster for Unit 12 Teacher’s guide pp 124-127 Computer, projector III. PROCEDURE Warm-up – Listen and repeat – Point and say – Game - Homelink Procedure Teaching and learning activities Classroom management Warm-up 5 minutes Option 1: Access sachmem. Have one pair of pupils sing the chant on page 49 (Student’s book). Option 2: Invite one group of pupils to sing the song on page 50 (Student’s book) Option 3: Ask a few pupils to do the project on page 36 (Workbook). Have pupils open the books and look at Unit 12, Lesson 1 p. 51, saying Open the books and look at Unit 3, Lesson 1 (page 51). Whole class 1. Listen and repeat. 10 minutes Step 1: Step 2: Step 3: Step 4: Step 5: Step 6: Open books or access sachmem. Have pupils look at the picture and answer some questions, such as Who are they? Where are they? What are they doing? and Can you see the lake? Can you see the leaf? Can you see the lemons? Draw pupil’s attention to the letter L/l, the words next to the character and things, and the colour of the letter L/l (as mentioned in Input). Check comprehension. Have pupils point to the letter L/l, listen to the recording and repeat the sound of the letter L/l. Say Point to the letter L/l, listen and repeat, please! Play the recording several times for pupils to listen and repeat the sound of the letter. Have them point to the lake and/or the word lake, listen to the recording and repeat the word lake, saying Point to the lake, listen and repeat, please! Then play the recording again, if necessary, for pupils to listen and repeat individually and in chorus. Correct pronunciation, if necessary. If they repeated well, praise them, saying Well done! Repeat the same procedure with Lucy, the leaf and the lemons. Correct pronunciation, if necessary. Have pupils point to the letter L/l, the pictures, listen to the recording again and say the sound of the letter and the words again in pairs or groups. Give further support to those pupils who find it difficult to do the task, if necessary. Play the recording again and invite a few pupils to say the letter L/l and the words Lucy, lake, leaf, lemons in front of the class. Whole class Individual work Individual work Individually Pair or group work Whole class 2. Point and say. 10 minutes Step 1: Step 2: Step 3: Step 4: Step 5: Have pupils look at the picture again and explain the situation in which the language is used, saying Look at the picture and describe it, please! E.g. Lucy is drinking. The mother is eating. The father is reading. Draw their attention to the letter L/l and the words they have learnt in Activity 1. Tell pupils to point to the letter L/l and say its sound, saying Point to the letter L/l and say it, please! Let them point to the lake and say the word lake as a model. Say Point and say, please! Remind them of the sound of the letter l in the word lake. Then ask one pupil to point to the lake and say the word lake in front of the class. Check comprehension. Follow the same procedure with other things. Correct pronunciation, if necessary. Give further support to those pupils who find it difficult to do the task. Get pupils to work in pairs or groups, one pupil points to the character and things in the picture and the other one says the words. Go around to offer help or correct pronunciation, if necessary. Select some better pupils or some pairs to point to the picture and say the sound of the letter and the words in front of the class. Correct pronunciation, if necessary. Whole class Individual work Individual work Pair or group work Pair or group work Fun corner Kim’s game 10 minutes Step 1: Step 2: Step 3: Step 4: Extension: Tell pupils that they are going to look at the flashcards/objects (the leaf, lemon, bus, truck, car, book, bag, box, ....) for 60 seconds and then write down the names of the objects as quickly and correctly as possible. Explain how the game is played. Check comprehension. Arrange the flashcards/objects on the desk and cover them with a piece of cloth. Do not let pupils see what are beneath the piece of cloth. Divide the class into groups. Do not allow pupils to write anything down. Show the flashcards/objects under the piece of cloth for 60 seconds. Then cover them again. In their groups, the pupils try to write down the name of as many objects as they can remember. Have the groups swap their answers and count the number of items they have written with correct spelling. Groups get a point for one correct item. When pupils become experts of the game, reduce the time to 50 seconds for pupils to look at the flashcards/objects before writing down their names. Whole class Group work Group work Homelink 3 minutes Option 1: Option 2: Option 3: Pupils practise pronouncing the sound of the letter L/l and saying the words Lucy, lake, leaf and lemons (in Student’s books or sachmem). Pupils play Kim’s game in sachmem. Pupils point to poster and say imperative sentences with the structure: Look at the lake. Look at the lemons. Whole class TIẾNG ANH 1 LESSON PLAN School: . School year: . Grade: . Week: . Teacher: . Approved by: . Unit: 12. At the lake Lesson: 2 Period: 2 Date: .. I. OBJECTIVES By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to: say the sound of the letter L/l, the words lake, lemons, Lucy, the structure Look at ___ in a chant. listen and identify the sentences: Look at the lemons. Look at the lake. trace the letter L/l and write the letter L/l in the words Lucy, lake, leaf, lemons. II. INPUT Language: Sound /l/ Vocabulary: lake, leaf, lemons Sentence pattern: Look at ___. Resources/Material: Student’s book p. 52 Teacher’s guide pp. 127-129 Computer, projector III. PROCEDURE Warm-up – Listen and chant – Listen and tick – Look and trace - Homelink Procedure Teaching and learning activities Classroom management Warm-up 5 minutes Option 1: Invite a few pupils to point to the picture/poster and pronounce the sound of the letter L/l, the words lake, lemons, leaf, Lucy. Option 2: Ask a group of four to play Kim’s game with the words they have learnt (e.g. lake, lemons, leaf, Lucy, truck, bus, sun, ...) Option 3: Have pupils point to the flashcards (of the lake, lemons, leaf, truck, bus, sun, ...) and say imperative sentences with the structure: Look at the ___. Get pupils to open their books and look at Lesson 2, p. 53 (saying Open the books and look at lesson 2, please!). Whole class 3. Listen and chant. 10 minutes Step 1: Step 2: Step 3: Step 4: Extension: Have pupils look at the first verse of the chant, saying Look at the first verse of the chant, please! Draw their attention to the letter L/l in the words Lucy, lake and lemons. Let them look at the second verse of the chant, saying Look at the second verse of the chant, please! Explain the meaning of each line (imperative sentences) Check comprehension. comprehension. Play the recording of the first verse for pupils to listen and repeat, saying Listen to the first verse, listen and repeat, please! Get pupils to point to the second verse. Play the recording, ask pupils to listen and repeat the second verse. Show them how to chant and clap their hands. Play the recording again (more than once, if necessary) for pupils to listen and repeat the chant individually and in chorus. Give further support to those pupils who find it difficult to do the task. Select one or two groups to the front of the class to chant and clap their hands. The rest of the class may clap along to the rhythm. With better classes, encourage pupils change some lines of the chant and sing the chant in front of the class. E.g. L, l, Lucy. Look at Lucy. L, l, lake. Look at the lake. L, l, leaf. Look at the leaf. L, l, lemons. Look at the lemons. L, l, locks. Look at the locks. Whole class Individual work Individual work Group work Whole class 4. Listen and tick. 7 minutes Step 1: Step 2: Step 3: Step 4: Step 5: Step 6: Have pupils look at the pictures and say imperative sentences, saying Point to the pictures and say, please! Pupils may point to the lemons and say, e.g. Look at the lemons. Draw pupils’ attention to the boxes next to the letters a and b. Check comprehension. Select a few pupils to point to the pictures in Question 1 and express commands/say the imperative sentences/comands in front of the class. Say Point to the pictures and say the sentences, please! E.g. 1a: Look at the lemons, 1b: Look at the apples. Play the recording of the first sentence for pupils to listen and tick, saying Now listen to the recording and tick, please! Play the recording of the first sentence again for pupils to listen and tick. Ask pupils to say what they have heard and ticked. Follow the same procedure with the pictures in Question 2. Before playing the recording, say Are you ready? OK, now listen to the recording and tick, please! Play the recording (several times if needed) for pupils to listen and tick the correct box. Call a few pupils to the front of the class to point to the pictures and say what they have heard. If they said correct words or sentences, praise them, saying Very good! Whole class Individual work Individual work Individual work Whole class 5. Look, trace and write. 10 minutes Step 1: Step 2: Step 3: Step 4: Step 5: Step 6: Have pupils look at the letter L (upper case) and l (lower case). Use sachmem to explain how L and l are traced. Ask some pupils to make sure if they recognize the two forms of the letter. Tell pupils to trace the letter L/l, saying Now use your pencil to trace the letter L/l. You can demonstrate by air tracing or tracing the broken lines of the letter L/l on the board. Then let pupils do the tracing. Give further support to those pupils who find it difficult to do the task. Have pupils look at the pictures and the incomplete words __ucy, __ake, __eaf and __emons. Explain how to complete the words. Check comprehension. Draw pupil’s attention to the letter L (upper case) in the word Lucy. Give pupils time to complete the words independently, saying Look at the pictures and complete the words, please! Go around and offer help, if necessary. Check the results of pupils’ tracing and give feedback. Ask pupils to work in pairs and swap their answers, saying Now work in pairs and check each other’s answer. Give pupils time to work. If there is enough time, invite some pupils to point to the letter L/l and say its sound. Say Point to the letter and say, please! Then let them point to the pictures and say the complete words aloud, saying Point to the pictures and say the words, please! Whole class Individual work Individual work Pair work Whole class Homelink 3 minutes Option 1: Option 2: Pupils learn by heart the chant (p. 52). Pupils trace the letter L/l, Page 37 (Workbook). Whole class Option 3: Option 4: Pupils point to the pictures in Listen and tick (p. 52) and express commands, e.g 1a: Look at the lemons 1b: Look at the apple. Pupils point to the flashcards of the vocabulary items and express a command. E.g. Look at the locks. TIẾNG ANH 1 LESSON PLAN School: . School year: . Grade: . Week: . Teacher: . Approved by: . Unit: 12. At the lake Lesson: 3 Period: 3 Date: . I. OBJECTIVES By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to: use Look at ___ to express a command. sing a song with the structures Look at _____ and She’s/It’s _____. II. INPUT Language: Sentence patterns: Look at _____ and She’s/It’s _____. Resources/Material: Student’s book p. 53 Poster for Unit 12 Teacher’s guide pp. 129-131 Computer, projector III. PROCEDURE Warm-up – Listen and repeat – Let’s talk – Let’s sing - Homelink Procedure Teaching and learning activities Classroom management Warm-up 7 minutes Option 1: Have a group of pupils to sing the chant on page 52 in front of the class. Option 2: Invite a few pupil to point to the picture in sachmem or poster for Unit 12 and say the structure, e.g. Look at ___. Option 3: Select one pupil who has changed some lines of the chant and chant it in front of the class. Get pupils to open their books and look at Lesson 3 page 53 (saying Open the books and look at lesson 3, please!). Whole class 6. Listen and repeat. 5 minutes Step 1: Step 2: Step 3: Step 4: Step 5: Have pupils look at the picture, saying Look at the picture, please! Ask them who the girl is, saying Who is she? Is she Lucy? Yes, she’s Lucy. Then let them point to Lucy and say Look at Lucy. Play the recording several times for pupils to listen and repeat the sentence. Explain the meaning of the sentence and how it is used (as mentioned in Input). Invite a few pupils to listen and repeat Look at Lucy in front of the class. Correct their pronunciation, if necessary or praise them if they pronounced the sentence correctly, saying Very good! Repeat the same procedure with Look at the lemons. Go around and offer help, if necessary. Play the recording again and let pupils listen and repeat Look at Lucy and Look at the lemons in pairs or groups. Correct pronunciation to make sure pupils can repeat correctly the two sentences. Encourage some pupils to repeat the sentences in front of the class. Go around and praise them if they performed well, saying Well done! Whole class Individual work Pair or group work Whole class 7. Let’s talk. 10 minutes Step 1: Step 2: Step 3: Step 4: Extension: Have pupils look at the bubbles. Explain the difference between Look at + name of people and Look at the + name of things. Check comprehension. Point to Picture a and model the task, using the expression in the bubble and the picture cue. For example, Look at Lucy. Ask pupils to say Look at Lucy in chorus and individually. Correct pronunciation, if necessary. Get pupils to work in pairs or in groups to point to the pictures (a and b) and give commands, saying Point to the pictures and say, please! Go around and offer help, if necessary. Repeat the same procedure with the second structure ”Look at the _____.” With better classes, let some pupils point to their friends and things in the classroom and say the sentences in front of the class. E.g. Look at Mai. Look at the book. Whole class Individual work Pair work or group work Whole class 8. Let’s sing. 10 minutes Step 1: Step 2: Step 3: Step 4: Step 5: Step 6: Extension: Have pupils look at the first three sentences Look at Lucy of the first verse of the lyrics. Explain their meaning. Check comprehension. Play the recording for pupils to listen and repeat three sentences, saying Listen and repeat, please! Show them how to sing and clap their hands or do actions. Ask pupils to look at the sentence She’s running round the lake. Explain its meaning. Check comprehension. Then play the recording for pupils to listen and repeat She’s running round the lake. Correct pronunciation, if necessary. Repeat the same procedure with the second verse of the lyrics. Play the recording all the way through and ask pupils to do choral and individual repetition of the song. Then have them sing the song in pairs or groups, saying Listen and sing the song, please! Go around and offer help, if necessary. Select some pairs or groups to the front of the class to sing the song. The class may sing along and clap their hands or do actions. With a better class, have pupils change some lines in the second verse of the lyrics and perform the song in front of the class. E.g. Look at the leaf. Look at the leaf. Look at the leaf. It’s falling to the ground. Look at the leaf. Look at the leaf. Look at the lemons. They’re falling to the ground. Whole class Individual work Individual work Pair of group work Whole class Homelink 3 minutes Option 1: Pupils sing by heart the song on page 53. Whole class Option 2: Option 3: Pupils change some lines in the second verse of the lyrics and practice singing the song at home. Pupils do the project on page 39 in their workbooks.
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