Giáo án Tiếng anh Lớp 1 (i-Learn Smart Start 1) - Unit 3: Colors (Lesson 3) - Năm học 2020-2021

Giáo án Tiếng anh Lớp 1 (i-Learn Smart Start 1) - Unit 3: Colors (Lesson 3) - Năm học 2020-2021


Sing the alphabet song

Option 1: Seven lives

- Draw or stick seven bodies outlines on the board.

- Give students a topic.

- Choose a word. Draw one line on the board for each letter in a word, for example: _ _ _ ( red).

- Have students put up their hands to say a letter, if the letter is in the word, teacher writes it on the line. If the letter is not in the word, the teacher removes one of the bodies from the board.

- When students complete the word or lose all seven lives the game finishes.

Option 2: Whisper

- Arrange children into rows of at least six.

- Secretly show a flashcard to the first child in each group. This child whispers the word to the child next to him/her.

- Children continue whispering the word to the child next to them until the word reaches the final child.

- The final child says the word out loud, and the first child holds up the flashcard to see whether the word is correct.


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i-Learn Smart Start 1
Week: Date of teaching:	
Period: 1 
Lesson 3
	By the end of this lesson, students will be able to identify the color of objects and show gratitude.
Teaching aids:
	Teacher’s aids: student book and teacher’s book, class CDs, flashcards, IWB software, projector/interactive whiteboard/TV.
	Students’ aids: Student books, notebooks, workbooks.
Languages focus:
	Vocabulary: pink, white, flower
	Structures :
It's a (pink) flower.
Thank you. 
You're welcome.
Sing the alphabet song
Option 1: Seven lives 
Draw or stick seven bodies outlines on the board.
Give students a topic.
Choose a word. Draw one line on the board for each letter in a word, for example: _ _ _ ( red).
Have students put up their hands to say a letter, if the letter is in the word, teacher writes it on the line. If the letter is not in the word, the teacher removes one of the bodies from the board.
When students complete the word or lose all seven lives the game finishes.
Option 2: Whisper
Arrange children into rows of at least six.
Secretly show a flashcard to the first child in each group. This child whispers the word to the child next to him/her.
Children continue whispering the word to the child next to them until the word reaches the final child.
The final child says the word out loud, and the first child holds up the flashcard to see whether the word is correct.
Teacher – whole class/ individuals
Students work in groups
New lesson
A-Listen and point. Repeat.
CD 1- Track 45
Arrange the flashcards on the board, play audio, and point to each flashcard.
Play audio again and have students point to the pictures in their books.
Play audio again and have students listen and repeat.
Play "Guess." 
Arrange the flashcards on the board and write a number under each card. 
Have students look at the flashcards for the count of ten. Turn the flashcards over to face the board when the students are not looking.
Call out a number and have students take turns to guess the face-down card. Turn the card over after each guess. 
B-1. Listen and point. 
CD1- Track 46
Have students call out the things they can see.
Have students listen and follow.
Play audio and demonstrate pointing.
Play audio. Have students listen and point.
2. Listen and repeat.
CD1- Track 47
Have students look at the useful language box.
Play audio. Have students listen to the useful language.
Have students practice the useful language.
C-Play "Guess the picture."
Have students look at the example.
Divide the class into two teams.
Have a student stand facing away from the board and stick a flashcard on the board behind them.
Have the student try to guess the answer without looking at the flashcard.
Give that team one point if it's a correct guess.
Have teams take turns.
Optional activities
Option 1: Musical cards 
Play some lively music.
Hand out the flashcards from this lesson.
Children pass the flashcards around all the rows of seats while the music is playing.
Stop the music suddenly. Ask the children who are holding the flashcards to stand up and say the sentence. E.g. It’s a pink flower.
Play the music and continue in the same way.
Option 2: Draw, color and say
Give each student a blank sheet of paper and ask them to draw flowers. Color these flowers.
Have students work in pairs, practice saying about their pictures. 
E .g. ‘It’s a pink flower.’
Swap the roles and continue.
Teacher – whole class/ individuals
Teacher-whole class/ individuals
Option 1: Step away lines
Have students stand in two rows facing each other, so that each student has a partner in the opposite line.
Have each pair hold up their drawing pictures and say a sentence. E g. ‘It’s a pink flower).’ Each time the pairs complete their sentences ,both partners take a giant step back and repeat the sentences. Every time they do so, they will naturally need to speak louder in order to be heard by each other.
Option 2: Sentences and pictures.
Stick four picture cards on the board and write four sentences about these pictures (E.g. ‘ It’s a red flower.’ ) in different places.
Have students match pictures and sentences.
Have remain students give their ideas about their friends’ answers, then teacher gives the correct ones.
Teacher – whole class/ individuals
i-Learn Smart Start 1
Week: Date of teaching:	
Period: 2 
Lesson 3
	By the end of this lesson, students will be able to identify the color of objects and show gratitude.
Teaching aids:
	Teacher’s aids: student book and teacher’s book, class CDs, flashcards, IWB software, projector/interactive whiteboard/TV.
	Students’ aids: Student books, notebooks, workbooks.
Languages focus:
	Vocabulary: pink, white, flower
	Structures : 
It's a (pink) flower.
Thank you. 
You're welcome.
Option 1: Run, draw and color.
Have students work in four teams.
Stick four blank sheets on the board.
Say “ Draw a pink flower.” Have one student of each team run to the board to draw and color the flower.
Continue the game in the same way.
Option 2: Throw the dice
Put children in pairs. Each pair has a dice with the numbers 1–6.
Number the sentences like the list below:
It’s a pink flower.
It’s a red flower.
It’s a yellow flower.
It’s a white flower.
 5. You get one point. Throw the dice again!
You get two points. Throw the dice again!
Children take turns throwing the dice, read the command and act out.
Teacher – whole class/ individuals
Teacher-whole class/ pair work
New lesson
D- 1. Listen to the story.
CD1- Track 48
Introduce the situation. 
Have students call out the people and things they can see.
Play audio and have students listen and read.
2. Listen and repeat.
CD1- Track 49
Have students look at the useful language box. 
Play audio. Have students listen to the useful language.
Have students practice the useful language.
E- Role-play.
Divide the class into pairs. 
Have students practice the dialogue.
Swap roles and repeat.
Afterwards, have some pairs demonstrate the activity in front of the class.
Optional activity:
Have students imagine some situations that they can show gratitude.
Have students work in pairs and act out these activities in front of the class.
Teacher – whole class/ individuals
Teacher – whole class/ individuals
Teacher- whole class/ pair work
Teacher- whole class/ pair work
Option 1: Back to back drawing
Divide the class into pairs and have them sit back to back.
Child A has picture of a flower. Child B has a piece of paper.
Child A says: “ It’s a red flower”. Child B draw a flower and color.
Once finished, the two children compare their pictures.
The children swap their roles.
Option 2: Slap 
Split the class into four teams. 
Place pictures of flowers on the board.
Have four students come to the board to face off. 
Call out the sentence and have students run to the board then slap the picture and repeat the sentence. The winner is the student who slaps the picture at first.
Teacher – whole class/ pair work
Teacher – whole class/ Team work

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  • docxgiao_an_tieng_anh_lop_1_i_learn_smart_start_1_unit_3_colors.docx